To be honest I was not an issue in the first place with preload, but the bike was back once I load it with a back seat and have been victim speedbreakers. Not one to make a point of contact so Gixxer is solved. Yes, the ride is a bit stronger, but it is in no way offensive Gixxer and still runs like business as usual. And business is good.
I am still very much enjoying the ride and this month I find myself appreciating the Gixxer riding position. Not so much for your comfort or sportiness, but because of how well you can hold the motorcycle. Flares were exaggerated in the tank and heel plates taller riders are also very functional, close to the knees work well. While you with the center of your foot from heel plates eliminate more enjoyable, its still much better than most other motorcycles grip.
Being connected to the bike generates more confidence when you start to push. Just another reason why I continue to love the bike ride. It is also very reasonably efficient. Given the generous use my throttle, I got a decent 45-47kmpl in faster commutes, at the position of trafficking often goes above 50kmpl.