I remember drinking this as a child and my mother telling me it was good for me but I never liked the taste of it and it surely doesnt taste like orange juice.
I think it has a very bitter taste and to me nothing beats the real orange juice on the markets today which do taste good and have a lot of vitamins in them.
To me this is like comparing Kool-aid to juice and again there is no comparison.
The drink is full of sugar and yes regular orange juice has sugar also but it is natural sugar which is much better for you than all the stuff they put in these powdered drinks.
If your concerned about getting your vitamins and having a refreshing drink at the same time try regular orange juice. It may be a little more costly but the good outweighs the bad.
I would not drink Tang again for anything. It just does not taste good and this is my own personal opinion. I know many like it and that is fine. To each their own I say but I would not recommend this to anyone.