I wish to share my experience on the solar heater. I purchased a solar heater of TATA from their dealers Green Power Solutions in Feb 2009. The response from the dealer was very good. The solar heater is very sturdy and our family has a sense of satisfaction in terms of value for money. we have recommended the product to all our relatives. These dealers assist from the day one we call them and visit us timely just to enquire about the system. that makes us happy.
To share an experience, recently in our city, there was huge rains and winds. Lot of solar heaters, dish antennas were uprooted and fallen down badly damaged. lot of trees fell down too. Nothing happenned to our solar heater. our neighbours came and saw our system and were astonished. they repented for purchasing other systems. this happenned at our close relatives house too. Loss for them.
Our strong recommendation would be "please buy a good product from a good company". TATA Solar heater is very good.