I have worked for TCS for about 3 years and quit in 2009. I was working in Engineering services division of Bangalore. Though TCS is reputed company, it remains so on paper and we cant say when there will be a collapse of system within TCS due to internal groupism.
We get educated in premier institutes and offer ourself to professional career and swear we follow simple codes and ethics of company. But what happens in reality is disgusting. It is shame on our parts that we tend to lower ourself and even threaten a big brand like TCS. Most engineers who land up in TCS will fall into some group based on his mother tongue, based on caste, based on subcaste, even in same cases based on religion, color etc etc. This kind of segregation happens within few months of landing up there and many are guiltyare we doing justice to professionalism. Hiring promotion internal favouritism rules based on your status as mentioned above.
Groups prevalent at that point of time,
Tamils: They are very large in number in TCS, a Tamil group/project/program leader will entertain only Tamil engineers for interviews. It is easy to tag a tamil by the virtue of name no confusion at all, So when you invite only Tamils to interview, its obvious only Tamils get selected! Simple Funda.
A tamil team fails when loaded with full tamils, they start infighting based on caste and sub sect etc etc., so normally a full Tamil team performance is always below par.
Brahmins: This is notorious and dangerous than Tamil group, brahmin GL/PL has problem here, if he is able to get brahmin surname it is easy. Most brahmins get into TCS via referal, Brahmins have powerful job opportunity network and it is very easy to get in even with shortcomings in career/academics. But some names cannot be categorised as Brahmins easily. A Brahmin TL/GL will identify by marks scored in X/XII/BE. In some interviews, once the candidate is confirmed non-brahmin, half of the panel will go away in the middle of interview. The rest will ask difficult questions and make the canditade feel that he failed in interview bcos of his poor performance. Whereas for Brahmins it will be a simplegossip discussion and you are through! A Full brahmin team is also a problem as fight among sects can happen. I myself a Brahmin feel very disgusted so as how we congregate to undermine professionalism in our life.
Other Categories: A Kannadiga GL/TL/PL will tend to show favour to Kannadigas, A telugu GL/PL will favor Telugu guys. A Bengali guy will entertain bengalis, A Gowda will favor a gowda, A lingayat will favour lingayat and so on.
The feel of difference based on caste/religion/lingual is more when there is little or no work.
Well I have written a lot on groupism, however there are rare breeds who dont care about these things, but their number is very very less. TCS can become Worlds most admired company if the rare breeds size can increase else its a matter of time that system can collapse or TCS could show up its weakness in not managing people in professional manner.
TCS has strong systems in place and if all follow them(especially the people on Top), then they can beat any company & can deliver stuff in far more efficient manner. Well TCS cant do much about it, its the people who should change. But then TCS should also be aware of these things so that they can get rid of them via some internal campaign with some thrust.
I will recommend this company, but please dont join any group talk english and be a proud Indian, remember lessons of National integration you learnt in your school days, be like school kid dont fall into any group. I request all GL/PL/TLs to show respect for professionalism and act like 7th std. kids, dont grow-up be there like 7th std. kid with pride for nation and for the pride of being engineer and for the pride of professionalism in your life.