Tata indica - diesel is a good car in present available all car. Its current price may be in 4.5 to 5 lakh in between. Which is affordable for whom who want to buy car under a 5 lakh. Its look stylish and look decent car.
It is very good in pickup.
It plays very smooth and comfortable on highway and in city as far.
And it is very easy to control. In short I could say Tata Indica - diesel is very pocket friendly car which anyone can buy who want to buy in under 5 lakh. And after buy this car they will never regret. That I surely say that.
In my family one member have a this car. He has business of so he regularly have to traveling. He feel comfortable in this car on highway. Dont look its space. I mean in car space little bit low in size. Which is not a big deal. If we talk about engine, comfortable, size, space which is affordable in 5 lakh. If those are who want to buy a good, comfortable, and all around car which is very important in budget. So if you want a buy a any new car then thin about one time of this Tata Indica - diesel car. I m sure you will never have regret to buy for this car.
If I talk about its mileage in city 14.44 KMPL.
And its mileage on Highway 17.88 KMPL.
And I talk about an engine which is 1405 cc.
And its maximum power 48.21 bhp @5000 rpm.
And its very important feature is it has seating capacity is 5 people. Which is good as my poin of view.
And its accele_45ration 16.8 0-100 time(s)
Max torque is 85Nm @2500rpm.
Turning radius is 4.9 meaters.
This is a diesel car which feature is also good for it.
Its full tank capacity is 37.
Its transmission type is a manual.
Tata Indica - diesel is perfect one for long drive and also perfect for traveling on highway.
Tata Indica - diesel performance is best its own way.
So if you want to buy a any new car than my suggestion is Tata Indica - diesel is best from performance wise, comfortable, in short all rounder. Best of luck to buy this car. Good luck all.