Title: The Teeth Of The Tiger
Written by Tom Clancy.
Available in Hardcover and Audio Cassettes.
Number of pages: 640
Published in August 2003, by Putnams Son, (Penguin Group in the USA).
I bought the Hardcover Book for $22.00 CAD, at the Cosco Book Section, in Victoria, B.C.
ISBN# 039915079X
What you should know
The office of Hendley & Associates, that is somewhere in Maryland. They are suppose to be selling international money, stocks and bonds, but John Ryan has set this office up as a front to follow terrorists and take them out.
He hired a young F.B.I. Agent, Dominic Caruso, and his twin, Brian Caruso, (who is a Captain in the Marines and has just returned from Afghanistan), and their Cousin, Jack Ryan Jr. Jacks Father was once in the C.I.A. and then worked as a Secret Service Agent at the White House, in Washington, D.C.
The Plot
The plot is divided into two parts. The first is how the three were trained.
The second is about an Islamic terrorists cut a deal with Colombian drug smugglers.
Daniel was born in Israel, came to the States, to attend his cousins David Greengolds Bar Mitzvah, (a Jewish service that all Jewish boy have when they are 13), in Brooklyn, NY.
His Father owner several Jewry Stores and his Uncle Moses was a diamond dealer.
He tells his Cousin about the time he went into go into the army, (all Jewish men must take two years of their life to go into the service), and took part in the 6 Day War, (1967). He had just finished his two years and decided to stay in Israel, to work for the Mossed, (one of Israels secret services).
David decided, as soon as he was old enough, he would move to Israel. He began to study Hebrew, and when he graduated from high school, he went to Israel, served his time in the army and was recruited by the Mossed. David did so well, he was now the Mosseds Station Chief, at the Israel Embassy, in Rome.
Daniel, had left Israel and went into his Fathers business. The money was better than the Mossed paid. John Ryan recruits him and he now has two jobs.
Penelope Davidson had vanished on her way to kindergarten, in Mississippi. She vanished one morning. Her parents had called the local police, an hour after her disappearance. The local police will not even open a file until 48 hours have passed. Georgetown, Alabama was about a ½ hours drive, and it is illegal to take a kidnapped victim across a States line. The F.B.I was called in. Part of the group that was looking for her was Dominic Caruso. He was the Agent that found Penelope. That was his last job for the F.B.I. and he went to work for John Ryan.
Brian Caruso was asked to see his General. In the beginning they talked about his tour in Afghanistan. Then the General said, Dont think too much, Captain. When the s*it hits the fan, you dont have time to think it all the way through. You think beforehand. Its in how you train your people, and assign responsibilities to them. You prepare your mind for action, but you never think you know what form the action is going to take. In any case, you did everything pretty well. You impressed this Hardesty guy, and his Agency is doing a talent search, and you’ve been chosen.”
To do what, sir?
They didnt tell me, but it could be counter terrorism or espionage.
He gave Brian a smile. Semper Fi, son.
David had some good intelligence officers and they got a lot of excellent information from an Palestinian agent, Hassan.
He has collected a network of agents both in the Middle East and in Europe.
Mohamad is sitting in a Cafe, in Rome. He is waiting in a Cafe for a Colombian drug dealer. If you know anything about Columbian drug dealers, you dont want to get involved with them!
Im sure Mohamed knows the danger, but he wants to form an alliance with them. They would make more money than you can imagine, and cause more chaos than you would want to know about.
Following the meal, near the Spanish Steps, in Rome, Italy, in a urinal, near by, David Caruso had just made a pick up of a dead drop. The door opens and he hears, Excuse me, old man-signore, that is, the accent sounded like Oxford English, so he wasnt scared.
He didnt reply and walked to the sink. When he looked into the mirror, he saw a man with blue eyed. That man that stuck a knife into his neck, and he died slowly. His killer said, Salaam aleikum, (Peace, hello or good bye in Arabic), Did you really trust Hassan, (a very religious), Jew? The man sat on the toilet seat until he was sure that David was dead, then he walked out, and into a Brionis Mens Shop to buy a new suit. Thats what I call a cold blooded killer!!!!
The story changes to the terrorist part. Anyone can learn how to make a bomb, if you know which site to go to on the internet. Rules that once applied have long past and a new world order is about to begin.
They have been able to get into the United States. Their objectives, is to kill people in four shopping malls in mid-America. The terrorists kill hundreds of innocent people.
Dominic, (alias, Enzo), and Brian, (alias Aldo), by chance, are shopping at a mall, kill four of the terrorists.
The rest of the novel shows how the Americans vengeance, called The Teeth Of The Tiger. The twins go to Europe, followed by Jack, to take out some of the terrorists handlers.
Which Countries do they find them in?
Do they find out why David was killed, and who ordered him killed?
Do the terrorists have more missions?
To find out what happens youll have to read the book.
What I felt
Some on Clancys books are difficult to read, but this one was quiet easy to follow. If you have never read a book by this author, this one would be a good one to read first.
Youll love the good guys, hate the bad ones and some times wonder which is which.
Clancy always develops the plot well, and you wont want to stop reading the book, until the end.
Tom Clancy
Has written quite a few books, The Hunt For Red October, The Bear And The Dragon, The Cardinal Of The Kremlin, Carrier, Clave Red Rabbit, Acts Of War, Airborne, Armoured Cav.:A Tour Of An Armoured Cavalry Regiment, Conversational Word Of G-d, El Cardinal De Kremlin and in collaboration with Steve Thayer, William Dantz and Lee Grurnfeld, Best Of Thrillers.
He has written so many books that if you would like to read all about them the link is:
https://allbookstores.com/browse/Author/Clancy, %20Tom
To read more about Tom, his books, films and games the link is:
My Conclusion
If you love spy trillers youll love this book.
Thanks for reading this review.