So, I recently bought a uninor SIM after seeing the hoardings all over Bangalore and also after checking out their website, They kind of surprised me with tariffs - which are really economical if compared to even the per second pulse ones by MTS and DOCOMO. Back to Uninor, seems like these guys are going to give other telecom providers a run for their money, I mean this literally. I said that because nobody else is giving calling rates @ 29p /min, and thinking about it logically even with the 38 p initial call setup, Uninor is more cost effective for me as a customer.
Its been more than a week that I have been using this Uninor Connection and I have faced no network problems, no call drops in short no problems at all. Being a new telecom provider I had a fear that they would face such problems in regard to networks and all, but no problem till now.(Fingers crossed). There were certain telecom providers. Who when they started faced a lot of network problems, call drops etc., but thankfully not with Uninor.
So all in all, at the end of the day, I would suggest people to give Uninor a try and I am sure you will not regret your decision. I know I’m not.
Wishing everyone a great day!