We cant match even ARrehmans 10 best songs with Nadeem Shravans. Since this duo succeeded without techno music which we find in almost all songs of rehman. They suceeded with pure melody and nothing else. When it comes to composing songs to movies they never counted how many melodies should a movie have as done by most of the music directors today.
Now all music directos make sure that they should not add more than two beautiful numbers to a album or movie. But this was not the case with Nadeem Shravan. The music companies and music directors where so angry, they did their best to separate this duo and they succeeded in doing so. Since they where the hot selling name in 90s. No one can deny this.
Many music directors got an idea how to compose songs only after hearing NS. They changed the scenario and most of the songs were masterpiece. Be it a Sad, Romantic or Fast NS ruled. It is just because of recordings made at international standards that earned rehman Oscar not becuase of Melody or Music. No romance is complete without NS melodies.