I had to see this movie everyone was just waiting to go see it, as I watched it, seamed alittle strange but being it was said to be based on true story I continued to watch, never really scared, but had to watch to see what was going to happen next!! nothing really did I kept waiting, , , well after viewing it I felt ripped off, no plot or good ending at all! I wanted way more out of this movie and I did not get it! I have not even seen part 2, but to be curious I will some time watch it to see whats happened next. I also heard it was based on a true story also I heard it was not! so what is it true or fictional if anyone truly knows please let me know. The acters were as noticed not truely expirianced, but it was made like a homade movie so what could one expect... would not watch this one again. to disapointing.