For a movie about the samurai it does not do enough justice, I did not hear the word bushido even once throughout the movie. the story follows a predictable plot where tom cruise is captured by revolting samurai and in living with them adopts their way of fighting and some of their values.
The movie offers an interesting watch plus some inspiring dialogues like when tom cruise meets the emperor to give his mentors katana the young emperor ask him how his mentor died and cruise replies I will tell you how he lived.
The muted romance between cruise and the wife of the general he kills earlier in the movie is portrayed well.
Then there is the son who accepts tom as his father figure even with the knowlege that he has killed his father. Cmon in bollywood movies even three-yearolds remember such things and take revenge when they are 20. Revenge is one of the central ideologies of the samurai some of the famous samurai stories such as the 47 ronins and kazumas revenge are stories of avenging oneself for his honor or a beloved one. I guess the director took a western plot and changed the setting to japan and the samurai.