What does a woman do, in times of losing her sense of balance, and security? She succumbs to fate dictated by others.
The story of The Reader makes you uncomfortable. The romance makes you writhe because never have I seen raw power of the body move in harmony with the senses of the mind. Thats The Readers victory. A lone woman, a young boy go on to have a romance that leaves scars behind. The young lad never really grows out of it, though his sense of understanding the woman grows with time.
The movie, like a few others, lingers on your mind long after youve moved out of the theatre and gone home. It stays with you, and makes you ask questions about human relationships. Kates longing for an identity is subtly played out in silence and the boys sudden break into adulthood through her, destroys not only his innocence, also his sensitivity to love another.
Without a dramatic play out of the two lives, the story links the pain of the two. One is longing to know herself better through innocence, and the other, becomes jaded in adoloscence.