TIKONA is one of the best MONEY LOOTER company in the word. They provide most BURST SERVICES to their internet clients and later asks for UNEXPECTED PAYMENT for the services used, EVEN AFTER you already have DISCLOSED the connection years before.
I got a call from some one, he said that he is a lawyer from tees hazari court delhi and company TIKONA has sued me for their due bill of rs 1260 . I already has disclosed the services 4 months before and my plan was of the prepayment in which I already paid 1 month charges even without uses.
I had changed my address but no executive has been provided to relocate the connection so connection gone disconnected, but NO SERVICES provided except asking for payment again and again.
One of my friend also got call from TIKONA FOR LEGAL NOTIC after disclosing their connection after more than 1 year, for rs 2900, even she(a GIRL) was not able to remind that she has any due, as she taken prepaid plan for 1 month and discontinued coz of the POOR SERVICES.