Remember your beautiful skin when you were a child? soft and pinkish !
Its a dream now to have that kind of skin but you can get it if youll try hard.
If youre applying creams taking medicines.and using expensive face arent doing anything! You really need to do lots of efforts and hard work to achieve that beautiful skin.
My face was bright and free of pimples but due to some side effects of a face cream I got pimples. the count is face turned red with bulky pimples.
I used many herbal products
I applied neem leaves paste and ate Amla.and that was not at edible.
My mother took to a clinic to get rid of those unwanted things it helped me though but not completely
I took medicines. Lot of medicines
And what I finally found that Im different.Im damn sensitive.
So I started looking seriously over all my habits and being a owner of this body I provided it the best.
First of all you need to figure out all your allergies Im now a vegan I stopped taking diary stuff because Im allergic to lactose and the day I stopped taking them I got the results on my face. I have oily skin and I could see less oil over my face and the marks were appearing lighter. So check whether you are also allergic like me and just boycott that thing.
Secondly wake up early and go to bed early.
Third is Workout! whether you want to run you like cycling or playing any outdoor game just do it and sweat! You need to be healthy from inside first.
Fourth your eating habits. You love junk food? . Cook them at home itllake them hygienic and replace few ingredients with healthy things and use tissue to absorb extra oil, eat salad before every meal and dont drink water between your meals.
Add nuts and sprouts to your snacks instead of samosas and pakodas. Its Ohk to have junk food rarely but you have to burn more calories for that.
Fifth is sleep.A good 7-8 hours of sleep is enough to relax your body and mind.keep the phone far away from bed : P
Sixth Be happy! dont feel bad about your skin itll make your skin worse trust me I used to feel bad and got more pimples so just relax and give time to your skin.
Seventh is products.Use less chemicals for skin and dont apply lots of makeup as youre skin is already suffering it wont be able to bear those heavy chemicals and it will cause more breakouts.
Eighth is Protect.Protect your skin from sun rays and dust.Before going outside cover your face properly coz those dust particles live your skin but you have avoid them coz they would cause pimples!
Ninth is water. Keep your body hydrated and drink at least 4 litres of water. You can also have juices or coconut water your skin will get that glow really soon!
Tenth is Patience Work hard and leave the rest. The body will do its work.You can see the results slowly and after max 3-4 months youll be left with clear skin!
Good luck!