We are all humans bings we love each others.Firstly we love childrens , childrens dont know where to go where not. We have to look and care for childrens from risky behaviour, risky area and risky products and any other unknowing thing. They dont know how to behave others what to do how to talk all their promlems must to solve by their parents. So parents are everything for children mostly in hospital when we take childrens there we must to take care of them.In hospital there are different people with different diseases who are causing from long time, its very risk for small children so we have to take care of them. Childrens are not allowed to go here and there to tuch different things and to touch medicine. If they touch it mey be harmful or any diseases will cause for children even sick person is relatives there is not allowed to go near ant to touch. We have to inform them not to touch only to see they sick people dont go there dont run here and there my child we have to inform like that for children. When we take childrens in hospital must wear face mask and golves long clothes boots and spake by childrens this thing we have to take care for them. If there is possible no need to take childrens in hospital if they are sick you can take for their treatment. Thank you.