*(Scale of 1-5, 1= lowest and 5= highest)
1-Lowest, 2-Usable, 3-Meduim, 4-Good, 5-Excellent
This review concentrates on a Bi Xenon HID system.
*Halogens are the most common form of illumination(headlights) used in the majority of vehicles. Halogens draw about 50watts power and provide 1800-2000 lumens of light, which has a distinct yellow tint. Also the life span of the filament which heats up to provide illumination is of the order of about 300-500hours max. H4 is the most common size/type of bulbs on most of the cars available in the Indian market.
HID- These are High Intensity Discharge or commonly referred to as Xenon lights. The Xenon Bulb as such does away with the filament, but has an inert gas filled in, which enables an electric arc to be formed which provides the illumination. Since we are trying to strike an arc, a very high voltage of 20000volts is required. Hence HID kits as they are generally called, come with 2 Xenon Bulbs, wiring harness, 2 ballasts for each of the bulbs and a controller unit.
Light can be produced in various colors based on the chemicals inserted into the bulb. This color is rated in degrees kelvin or K. Typical color range is between 3000K(Yellow) - 4300K(white) - 6000K(white/slight blue tint) - 8000K(white/blue tint) - 10000K(white/purple tint) -14000K(Super Blue).
There are 2 types of HID sytems, A normal Xenon System has the regular Halogen lights for High Beam and the HID/Xenon for Low Beam, whereas a Bi Xenon has Xenon for both high and low beam.
*Light Spread: HID 5, Halogen 2
*No real competetion here at all.It did take some time for me to be convinced to buy a HID conversion kit, and I was apprehensive of the expected difference. Well, the difference was almost drastic, not literally day and night, but close. With normal Halogens, the range is limited and the spread is minimum. The light envelope if I could say so, which is the light coverage in front of the car is more towards the front and nothing towards the sides. Think of a tube light with its uniform light spread and a normal incandescent light with a narrower focus.
*Night Driving: HID 5, Halogen 2
*Is a derivative of Light Spread, and with the Xenon burning, Night Driving is easy, less tiring and trouble free. You can see objects at a distance of 100-150mts giving more time to react.
*Cost: HID 2, Halogen 5
*Bi Xenon HIDs cost in the region of 12000 to 18000/- INR, compared to 2 H4 Halogen Bulbs that cost hardly 500 together.
*Value For Money: HID 5, Halogen 5
*This is in relative terms, for the cost, Halogen offers excellent advantages, whereas HIDs are still in the upper regions while it comes to cost, which is offset by the long life of HID elements and the much wider and brighter light.
Fitting the HID kit would at the max be a 45min affair. Please note to ensure that the controllers are latched securely in place with the wires bundled together.
You can contact me for further details abt the Kit or Installation.