I love my nails very much and I take a lot of care of it. I try various different types of styles with them.
I have a huge collection of nail polish and other nail art things with which I can decorate my nails. There are lots of decorative things available in the market for nail art, some are costly also.
I like the water marks art on my nails. It does not need any decorative article just a bowl of water, 3-4 nails polish and a toot pick.
The steps are 1 - take a bowl of water, the water should be still it should not be moving. 2 - add a drop of nail polish of one color to it wait for a second then add another drop of other nail polish and then the third. 3 - with the help of the toothpick pointed ends make design on the water. 4 - put your finger in the water from a side where there is not paints, take it on your nails. This the water nail art.