Dear readers, These days every phone available in market is touch screen phones. Sometimes we got confused while selecting phone because touch screen is USP to every smartphone sellers. As average user many people dont have any techical information about various types of touch screens available and about their costing also i.eTFT, HD, FHD, IPS, AMOLED and so many. What does these names really means and which one is best? 1. TFT : Has low viewing angles and poor visibility in daylight or low lights.
IPS: Gives wide picture angles & best quality of graphics. Cost is also high.
AMOLED: We often seen these touch screen in Samsung smartphones. It gives better brightness, contrast, good picture quality also better battery life.
HD & FHD: As name suggest these are High Defination displays may product best picture quality but drains your battery faster.
So, please review below checkpoint whenever you are going to buy touch screen phone. i.e. Screen Size, Screen Resolution, Viewing angles, colour reproduction, visibility in daylight or low lights.