The corolla had been popular and salable model since 1966. here a some tidbits of information about this popular model. one corolla has been sold on average of 40 seconds worldwide(thats nearly 2, 160 units in a day sold worldwide!). the namecorollameans small crown in Latin and not a part of a flower. and almost 40 million units had been finding homes since its introduction in 1966. Afghanistan locals do have an abundance of corolla units in their country in various generation, and most of them are imports from japan. us, and other nations. america didnt warm over the corolla unit the fuel crisis forced them to. it had nearly outlived other nameplates worldwide(with the exception of its stable mates land cruiser, and crown). locally, the corolla nameplates needs no introduction. but how did the corolla badge started? it was in 1999 when the car motor introduce a luxury variant of the corolla badges ascorolla competitors had been scrambling to enter the entry level compact luxury category such as the the added bonus over theregular" corolla was 1.8 engine plus luxury goodies(no sunroof included). the car name was and south market exclusive.