Only when you learn how to die, you learn how to live
Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
Author: Mitch Albom
This is a story that touches your heart. It talks about the bond between a teacher and a student. The teacher, Morrie, who is suffering from a terrible disease and whose days are numbered, explains to the student, the author, about various issues like death, greed, forgiveness, fear etc., which we often cringe to think or talk about.
It is neither preachy nor a book that asks for sympathy towards the characters. It talks about things we are scared to learn more about and helps us deal with our past and plan the way we want to live the future.
After reading the book, one cannot help but adore Morrie, the teacher. It is so important to have a mentor in ones life, someone you respect, someone you trust, someone you love. Then again, in todays world, finding a mentor like Morrie would be a challenge (though not impossible!) ... someone so open and so generous, someone who is ever ready to share what is most precious to him - time.
There were a lot of take-aways for me from that book like learning to prioritize whats most important in ones life. It raises many questions which one can ponder over like:
What do you want from life?
Are you chasing after the wrong things just because society says thats the way it should be?
Are you blinded by ambition that you miss out more important aspects of life?
The best part about reading a book is that different people learn different things from the same story. So, I strongly feel that everyone (Book-lovers or non-Book-lovers) will enjoy Tuesdays with Morrie and Im sure that even a cynical person (me included) will have something to learn from it!
So, Happy Reading!