Truly the Shogun is the best 2 stroke bike ever been made in India... My baby is about 4 years old..... but she still purrs and growls, depending on her mood, like a wild cat of somekind... I never had any problem with my engine till date.. Just the other night a friend and me were on the famous Outer ring road in Bangalore, guys from there will know what im talking about.. Its a huge 3 lane road which cirles the entire city on the outskirts. I was doin 115, ad she didnt even show any signs of shaking!!! We were amazed!! I got a bit carried away and wanted to see what more she could do ... Suddenly out of nowhere I saw this huge speed breaker... If I braked at that speed.... shogun riders, youll know whatll happen!!! I just left the accelerator and prayed... To my amazement she slowed down .. probably to about 85 and took off on the breaker... both tires in the air...and landed probably around 10 to 15 meters away and carried on like an iron horse!! What a rush!!!!!! That was some experience, what I learnt is a shogun will never let you down after all a 2 stroke will always be a 2 stroke. Milage you ask?? If that question came to your head im sure you own a splendor or somethin!! A Shogun is a racer bike... not meant to save you on fuel expenses.. Anyway for the record my baby gives me 39km to the litre... I havent done any modifications yet.. but I just might!! Ive never changed my clutch plate and I think its wearing out... but believe me when I say NOTHING TOUCHES THE GUN IN PICK UP!!!!! think about it.... its only 104 kilos with 14 BHP a Pulsar 180 would be close to 264 Kilos and 15 BHP To sum it all SHOGUN truly the BOSS!!!