Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is the first book in the vampire romance series Twilight. Meyers style of writing is simple and easy to understand. The novels basic premise is interesting and gripping.
Meyer knows that teenage romance with chills is a sure- shot formula and the novel is based on this. It deals with the love story of Bella(Isabella) Swan and Edward Cullen, a vampire. Bella shifts from her home in Phoenix to Fork to live with her father.
She realizes that the school environment at Forks is not that bad. Her intense attraction to Edward, the vampire is extremely understandable as he is portrayed as a guy with classic good looks, an attitude worth imitation and extreme affection and concern for Bella. Their interactions are typical adolescent, but we can’t simply dismiss them as teenage crushes.
Their love is serious and their completely diverse characters at nicely balanced and contrasted. The last part of the novel seems in a hurry to end, while the first half drags. Vampire myths are busted and new information is dispersed. The characters are believable(I know I am talking about a vampire as the protagonist).
Twilight is a refreshing change from the run-of-the-mill common romances, where the hero is tall-dark-and handsome and the heroine is a damsel in distress. If you want to read a love story with a thrilling twist, pick up this book.
Warning: It is extremely addictive, long and Edward Cullen is irresistible.