Of the 3 trains to Bangalore from Mumbai Udyan express is the only one which reaches Bangalore in the morning at 8-30 a.m . It is very punctual and reliable though bit slow. It takes 24 hours to travel to Bangalore from Mumbai via the shortest route which is via Solapur Guntakal and distance covered is 1190 kms. The train has 2 ac 2 tier , 3 ac 3 tier and 14 sleeper coaches between Mumbai and Bangalore. It lacks a pantry car and good meal services. Mumbnai and Bangalore should be covered by superfast train in 20 hours.
It is rather surprising that when Durontos are introduced linking main cities , there is not even a superfast train connecting Mumbai , the financial capital of India to the information technology city Bangalore.The stoppages of udyan express especially between wadi and Bangalore need to be reduced. It takes more stops than Basava express or Parbhani Bangalore express a strange phenomenon! After January 2006 it has started stopping at Gooty at 2-00 a.m in night much to inconvenience of through passengers avoiding the earlier practice of using byepass.
It also violates environment norms as it piies on a Diesel engine in the electrified Mumbai -Pune section. The Mumbai Chennai trunk route is so neglected that Bhigvan onwards the entire route is single track till Bangalore East barring, Mohol -Solapur and Gulbarga -Raichur sections.This route connects Mumbai-Pune to Bangalore , chennai , Tirupati, Hyderabad, Vishalkhapattanam by shortest route.
One should not miss the important pilgrimage center en-route namely Akkalkot rd famous for Shri Swami Samartha temple and Shani temple.
Tip: People in Western suburbs can conveniently board the train from Dadar junction. But train does not halt at Thane.