This is a reponse to the review by mahesh2k written on March 23, 2004.
Windows ME not with me
Unstable and Vulnerable
Every OS crashes and can be hacked. MS issued patches for all versions of Windows over the past year, not exclusively for XP as you noted.
Even the Open Source community(Linux) was hacked this past year, e.g. OpenSSL vulnerabilities and Linux kernel CVS intrusions.
What makes one computer less likely to be hacked has more to do with the user and their safe computer practices, or lack there of.
I like Apples because they look cool and are like big stereos. However, Ive been using Apples and PCs for close to~20 years and the Macs crashed much more frequently than their PC counterparts early in the race.
My biggest complaints with Apple are the availability and higher cost of software. When you compare similar software, those for Apples run 10-30% higher than their PC counterparts.
Also, Apples implementation of a menu-driven interface was great. However, it wasnt their concept. Xerox Labs developed the menu-driven interface and Apple stole it from them. There have been documentaries and movies about MS, Apple, and Xerox.
MS does what Apple is doing. Who came up with the idea is irrelevant. What matters is how each company has improved and evolved the interface.
XP or 2K
2K and XP are very similar. However, I would choose XP Pro over 2K and XP Home in favor of Pros automated networking features and auto-restore points.
Never upgrade due to the legacy issues. Request a fresh install instead.
Major complaint with all Windows versions
All Windows versions reserve con.* and nul.* for system applications. This means you can not save or rename any file names ascon. ornul. This limitation stems from DOS reserved files for windows console and null. You can work around this via FTP. However, doing so would overwrite a system file, and kill certain processes like a modem for instance.