I love mushy romantic
flicks on one side and on the other nail biters and edge of the seat thrillers
that pump up the adrenalin. I do love movies that show multiple perspectives of
the same event, and I love movies that mess around with timelines. When a film
shows something, and then jumps back in time to show it again from a different
point of view, it makes it all the more interesting.
"Vantage Point" does that with a terrorist
bombing, and every time the bomb goes off and the clock resets itself, I
actually smiled. If that is the wrong reaction to have to a terrorist bombing,
then I dont want to be right.
What you get from "Vantage Point" is a lot of vigorous actors -
Dennis Quaid, William Hurt, Forest Whitaker, et al. - doing vigorous work in
the service of a crafty, fast-moving, well-told story. Directed by Pete Travis
and written by Barry L. Levy
The movie starts off, in Salamanca,
Spain, where a
historic anti-terrorism summit is about to be capped off by a speech from U.S.
President Ashton(William Hurt). First our perspective is from the news control
van, where the director(Sigourney Weaver) and her crew fill us in on whatever back-story
we need - including that one of the Secret Service agents guarding Ashton is
Thomas Barnes(Dennis Quaid), who took a bullet for the president last year and
has been a little skittish ever since. The emotions of the on site reporter is
so tangible and when she dies one wants to say to Sigourney….”I told you so”
So it must be deja vu for Barnes when Ashtons speech is interrupted,
violently, by someone pumping two shots into him. Panic fills the crowded plaza
as Barnes and his fellow agent Taylor(Matthew Fox) scramble to get the
president to an ambulance and to find the shooter. Moments later, a bomb goes
off - and the movie pauses, rewinds, and says "23 minutes
The story begins anew, this time from Barnes perspective specifically, and
ending once again with the bomb. Then we go back again and follow a Spanish cop
named Enrique(Eduardo Noriega), then an American tourist(Forest Whitaker),
the president himself, a mysterious local(Saïd Taghmaoui), and so forth. Each
retelling reveals new facts.
As is nearly always the case with these things, the conspiracy as its eventually
explained is outrageously elaborate, the type of scheme that requires the
evildoers to have some pretty serious foreknowledge and to do an awful lot of
lucky guessing. The dialogues could have been more powerful.
The effects of those deficiencies are offset, however, by the thrilling pace
and by the strength of the cast. Hammier actors might have ruined it; these old
pros take things seriously - a crucial element in getting the audience to
suspend its disbelief, given how implausible the whole story would be in the
real world. The movies all about how you can see something with your own eyes
and still not know what really happened.
Dennis Quaid is named Bond, but unlike the original Bond his moves are slow
and lethargic and he looks jaded. Can’t believe I had a crush on him at one
time:). Forest Whitaker really suits the part of an American tourist to a T.He
looks dumb but has been recording and following all the events. His
interactions with the little girl, Anna are touching to say the least.
The car chase at the end of the movie really has your heart in your mouth.
But the scene where the villain steps on the brakes to save Anna is what made
it so unrealistic and brings you back to Earth with a bang. How can you digest
that a terrorist who is killing hundreds of people would risk his life to save
a little girl? I lost interest in the movie as soon as the car veers off onto
the pavement and saves the girl.
It seemed like a *ghissi pitti
Bollywood* ending. But then it was slicker than our desi thrillers. So