*Magic of MS
*For some, MS means Magical Summer, for some more MS means life as it is their mouthspeak, but out of MS, the name MS evokes a mixture of beauty, magical voice, uninhibited devotion and sublime innocence. That is M.S.Subbulaxmi whose Carnatic vocals are arguably the best and her devotional rendering will stand the test of time and space for many Centuries to come.
M.S Subbulaxmi is God’s own creation to mankind to spread Bhakti in pure and crystalline form. Her devotion towards God, her ability to sing the most complex Sanskrit verses into a melodious musical form is the culmination of the highest level of ecstasy that we as humans can get when listening to her divine works. The bliss that it creates into one’s heart makes us reach to the closest provinces of realizing the spirit of God and Goodness and when it reaches its rapturous moment, we forget the material world completely.
Being a prodigal singer that she was, she earned fame at an early age of 10 when she sang for her first album. Under the training of Musiri Subrmanya Iyer and the legendary Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, she mastered the nuances of classical music and created a big impact in Sabhas with her mellifluous Katcheris as a pantheon of Woman Carnatic Vocalists.She has also acted in four Movies including **Meera
The list of awards is endless including the prestigious Magsasay Award. Her concerts outside India have fetched her title-**“Voice of India”
A great Humanitarian and true devotee of Lord, she has collected many Crores of Rupees for noble cause living a very simple life.
Eternity of VS
Vishnu Sahasranamam** is a beautiful garland of thousand names of Lord Vishnu knitted by the Great Sage Veda Vyasa during the time of Mahabaratha. It embodiments a great wisdom of Hindu philosophy narrated and commented by many Great Rishis over the Centuries. The birth of Vishnu Sahasranama took place when Dharmaraja Yudishtira could not stand all the death and sorrow of killing the Kauravas and thus was narrated this beautiful mantra by Bishma to Yudishtira.
It is recited in many Hindu Homes and Temples in South India as a daily practice to get ultimate self realization and forget all the worries and evils surrounding us.
It is divided into three parts-
Prologue-as to how it was narrated by Bishma
Sahasra(thousand) nama(name) vali(garland) stuck in the form of 107 stanzas with anushtup chandaha(eight syllables in a quarter)
The phala(fruits) of reciting these stanzas.
It is is the eternal Mantra that has stood the test of time before and it will after many Centuries. It addresses the supreme power of Super natural and helps in realizing the ultimate goal in life of self realization in the form of God. Some might feel, ” what is the point in chanting VS which is in Sanskrit which is not understood by many? Nevertheless it is helpful in understanding the meaning of every stotra but it is like a box of treasure without a key. You can still treasure the stotras until your eyes and mind finds the key of knowledge which makes you understand it.
Lord Shiva narrates that by merely narrating the below stotra three times is equivalent to chanting 1000 names of Mahavishnu.
“Sri Raama Raama Raamethi Rame Raame Manorame
Sahasranama Tartulyam Raama Naama Varanane”
VS is offered as prayer to clean our mind periodically when we chant with devotion. The same is also practiced by many as Meditation.Listening to the eternal magic of MS-VS gives us ultimate solace and comfort away from all materialistic thoughts.
Bhaja Govindam-Encapsulating oneness of Gnana and Bhakti
This is one of eternal hymns created by Adi shankara who has crossed all the oceans of Knowledge with his shear devotion and Sri Rajaji(C.Rajagoplaachari) narrates the beauty of Bhaja Govindam song in simple phrases in the album.
He says, “Gnana and Bhakti (Knowledge and Devotion) is one and the same. When intelligence matures and lodges securely in the heart, it becomes wisdom. When that wisdom is integrated with life and issues out in action, it becomes devotion. Knowledge which has become mature is spoken of as devotion. If it does not get transformed into devotion, such knowledge is useless tinsel. To hold and to say that jnaana and bhakti, knowledge and devotion, are as different from each other as gold is from baser metal is to expose ones ignorance.”
Bhaja Govindam song is an enchanting masterpiece with 31 verses full of wealth of Knowledge and Devotion poured into the nectar of self realization.
Some verses which needs to be elucidated;-
Craving: Man has insatiable desire for money which only leads to pain and sorrow. Be satisfied with what you earn with your own labour.
Lust**: Do not allow your eyes to stray into Woman who belong to another and cannot be had by you. It only increases your desire and not satisfaction.(MS did not sing this verse being a Woman)
Pain**: Life of Human being is as precarious as a dangling water drop on top of a Lotus on water. It gives you immense desire and pleasure whilst you will also succumb like the water drop when grief or sorrow strikes. Delve from the reality of any attachments as nothing is immortal.
Delusion**:- Life goes on in various transient stages from childhood to the old age making Human being think of play, love, sex, anxiety & worries and forget the real-that is Wisdom.
God:-(Culmination to Bhaja Govindam Song):Our body and Heart are the temples of God. You do not have to go searching for God everywhere from stone to Tree. God is in our Heart glowing like a lantern. By devoting ourselves to this God, we attain the dazzle of God .By pure faith; we clean our thoughts and tread the path of Dharma(truthfulness) which alone gives you moksha(Salvation).Hence we need to keep our soul, body and heart in its purest form.
This rev is dedicated to the Nightingle of Carnatic Music Late M.S.Subbulaxmi.Eternal beauty never dies.
Thanks for reading.