Hi friends,
I bought the vKewl from Virgin in the first week of its lunch in India at a price of Rs4000.
Its a huawei C5330, which is also available with TaTa Indicom with its original name at a price lower by 450bucks.
I was just planning for a MP3 player after I lost my SE W700i, so visited the Univelcell in Chennai.
Suddenly I saw this set, which looked awesome.
and immediately my plan changed and I was having this bar model in my hand.
As we all know, its a CDMA technology phone and you have to buy a Virgin connection with it as well.
But good thing is its having the SIM slot and with minor software modification, it can be used for any other service provider.
bar model( slick and the combination of black and red looks awesome.)Design you may find copied from SE.
1.3 megapixel camera( picture quality is very good if you see the price.)( nevermind, SE w200i comes with VGA camera at 4500.)
3.wap internet browser(V-bytes)(best thing.will tell you later why.:)
4.mp3 player(supports mp3 and 3gp only)
expandible memory upto 1 gb, micro SD.
dedicated music buttons
Voice recording
datacable and support CD.
Its almost 1.5 months I has been using it and quite happy with my wise descision.
you must have heard about the much hypedget paid for incoming calls.
yes, thast true, I get 10paise for each minute of incoming calls.:)
best thing I will tell you now is the wap service.the interenet service.
Its free.ya.true.its free.
and seeing the relatively low traffic in virgin its fast.
I have downloaded lots of songs fron net absolutely free.
they will charge only if you use it as a modem for your system.
thats also reasonable at 5rs per day compared to 20rs per day for airtel.
but it may not be a great experience for seeing clips or photos bcos the screen size is very small.
Music quality is ok and compared to nokia, its fast in reading memory cards.
point to note that Virgin mobile is selling the same model in US and UK.
Speaker quality is also ok but eats up power very soon.
so, ovelall, at 4000 rs, its the best set available in market.I bet.:)