Read the email communication from down through top and you know what I think about "VODAFONE". Its about the WORST of my experience with a phone company, VODAFONE.
This happened even before my first bill ever and I ultimately decided to stay away from their STUPID BACK OFFICE OPERATIONS.
-Original Message-
From: Sharman(agni) []
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:47 PM
Subject: RE: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763] [REF:608996644]
Why is the phone lines still active? Why is VODAFONE vadapalani not giving a receipt for the letter I submitted? Is there any papers or confirmation pending from my side. Please acknowledge the receipt of my emails Thnx but no thnx -Sharman(agni)
Sharmans Cab Company
-Original Message-
From: Sharman(agni) []
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763]
I got a complaint Number as 608996644 -Sharman(agni)
Sharmans Cab Company
-Original Message-
From: Sharman(agni) []
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763]
I had called the customer care this morning and they informed me that the request letter given has not reached vodafone. Here is a COPY of the LETTER SUBMITTED TO VODAFONE STORE on 31st Jan 2008. FOR YOUR REFERENCE Hope this helps to be, as usual, proactive and take the neccessary steps. Thnx Agni Sharman 98414 87 666 or 97104 122 34 or 2377 42 16
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Manager
Vodaphone Store
De-Activate / Disconnect: 99 6 22 00 717 / 718 & 719
Please treat this letter as a confirmation to De-Activate THREE connections on the Vodaphone network.
99 6 22 00 717
99 6 22 00 718
99 6 22 00 719
These phones were used for communicating among ourselves and to our valuable clients.
Unfortunately we cannot afford to take easy, your sudden decisions to take us off your network for any reasons, especially your internal issues.
I had to call your customer care multiple times and meet your store to make complaints even before I received my first bill.
We are completely Dis-satisfied with your service & VOCIFEROUSLY disagree with your decision to de-activate our connections without prior notice. This also exhibits the very low professionalism you maintain within.
The cash paid as “Refundable Deposit “(Rs.750) may please be returned after adjusting the not-at-all-useful-service bill and send to my residence address payable to “Agni Sharman” at
2-D, ALA Foundation,
21 Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Virugambakkam
Chennai – 600 092
Phone: 2377 4216 / 2377 4248
Thank you
Agni Sharman
Friday, January 11, 2008
Enlcosed the copy of my previous complaints
-Original Message-
From: Sharman(agni) []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:47 AM
Subject: RE: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763]
There is another probelm to these same numbers. I had a officer from your end visiting me this afternoon for verification. I learned from him that the phone are under the wrong plans/schemes. This is what I learned from him is currently active: 9962200717 - Talk Lots 249 9962200718 - Talk Lots 249 9962200719 - Talk 125 This is what I wanted: 9962200717 - New Super 299 9962200718 - Talk 125 9962200719 - New Super 299 Someone Please help me with this. Also please help me with the process of withdrawing away from your services if it will not workout at your side. -Sharman(agni)
-Original Message-
From: Sharman(agni) []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763]
These are my numbers with Vodafone. 9962200717 9962200718 9962200719 Also I am about to process for two more new connections. If there is going to be hidden charges for all services that "I request" and those that "I do not request for" then I would like to immediately cancel all my numbers. Thnx -Sharman(agni)
-Original Message-
From: Vodafone Care []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:15 AM
Subject: Reg: Flash Message [REF:19576445763]
Dear Mr. Sharman,
Thank you for your mail dated on 14/01/08 about your vodafone number.
We kindly request you to provide us your 10 digit Vodafone number to do the needful.
In case you need further assistance please do call or email us. We will do our best to assist you.
Warm regards,
Vodafone Care
Contact numbers
Vodafone Care: 111 or+91-98840 98840
(Toll free from Vodafone phones within the home network)
Fax number :+91-98840 12345
Sent: 14-Jan-2008 9:20:59
Subject: Flash Message
I would like to talk to someone from the billing ASAP
I was told I will be charged Rs.3 for deactivating a service that I never
asked for.