These are excerpts of an issue that still Remains Unresolved, since December, 2004
This is ridiculous ! I checked my voice-mail today morning at about 10:00hrs and saved 2 out of 5 messages I received. When I checked my voice-mail again around 21:00hrs both the messages had been deleted. I called 200 and asked them what had happened and if there is a way to retrieve the messages as they were VERY important for me.
The associate simply replied, We cant restore any messages. You must have deleted the messages yourself.
Can u get more crude than this? Gosh !
I dont know if I will be able to get my messages again or not but this is another point of remarkable customer service from Hutch.
Keep it going guys !
Sunny Kohly
Hi All,
I am sorry to sound as if I am whining but I have just received my Hutch bill for the last month and have AGAIN been charged with calls made on my company?s Closed User Group. The last conversation I had in this regards was in December some time. I had a ??long?? and ??tiring?? chat with ??Hutch Care??.
This is what happened: ?? I asked one of the associates on being charged for the CUG calls, he plainly told me to get in touch with my firm?s Relationship manager.
I asked, ??Can you give me the amount for the calls which I made to numbers on CUG so I can pay the remaining amount? ??.
The guy said, ??Sorry sir we can?t tell you that.?? I asked, ??What do you mean???.
He said, ?? Sorry sir but we don?t have any means to calculate that.??
Is Hutch trying to say that they don?t know what they are charging their customers for or is it that they don?t want their customers to know the same?
I can only hope that this question doesn?t require any ??U.S. liaising??.
Anyway, in December it eventually took me 3 calls to get to a Manager by the name of Rolly.
She apologized profusely for the ??inconvenience?? and that I had to keep calling ??Hutch Care?? to get something I deserve as a Customer.
True, why should I take time out to point out fallacies in this ludicrous system?!!?
Nonetheless, I was assured that my bill would be settled and I would receive credit for the two months that I was overcharged and that this wont happen again...
And I get a bill today saying just the opposite. Its no rocket science but someone please help me understand what this means?
Is one expected to call at the start of each month and ??beg?? for a credit they ought to have received in the first place?
I think it is a total riot of the concept of customer service and customer centricity -people at Hutch either dont have the skill or the will to want to set things right at one go-or do they?
If anyone gets to find out....please dont let me know - I know it already !!!
Thanks & Regards
Sunny Kohly
Mr Mukerji,
I read ur mail which said
invited ALL the members of this group for a chai - or dinner - and some gupshup - and ensure ALL your feedback is listened to and heard and acted upon?? One shot
Clear me a few things here;
What do you mean by GUPSHUP? We all are talking business here. Was that not clear before? (I hope this time its LOUD and CLEAR?)
Second, Are you referring that you need a chai or dinner party to sort out ur customers problems?
That means you dont need your call center instead you need one HUTCH CHAI/ COFFEE CENTER
Third and last, In all the business schools one thing is commonly taught and that is all customers are kings. If they are irate, its because the service provider has not been able to follow what theyve been claiming ....
PADHA THA NAA ... so why is it NOW so difficult to get it implemented at HUTCH, ...?
Does the frustration being vented out is not valid?
You only said in one of your mails we appreciate customer feedback because it draws a picture for us.
Hamare feedback ka kya kar rahe hai which seems to be so very evidently negative & disapproving of the way HUTCH has treated them....?
baki...HUTCH ko hum baksh toh sakte nahi....toh allah maalik.
Specialist: Leadership & Behavioral Training
First of all I think we should seriously consider the kind of risk a Mobile Connection can cause - look at our Friend... !!
Jokes apart, I believe if anyone in ones family or friends is prone to being harmed because of dis-service - it should be dealt with with an IRON FIST - no puns intended. What do we work for, after all ?
And here is a piece of Mathematical Wizardry - any resemblance to anyones bill is purely Intentional...
If the previous amount is a negative 853 and zero payment (to a layman like me it means that the company owes me 853 bucks). And With the current charges of 2136 - how can the amount due be 2291 ?? ( fyi: 2136-853 =1283 and 2136+853 = 2989)
I thought with 95% in Maths in 10th and 97% in Maths in 12th I could solve this - I am sorry everyone I have given up on this.
Also, if one gets a credit for a certain amount lets say an year after the original amount was paid - who takes care of the interest during that time?
I think if the rate of interest is 8%, the amount would be... someone calculate I have given up Maths!
Gosh -Someone start doing your job!
Excellence is not an act - its a habit Dont ask whose habit is what ?!!?!
A Must Read: Hutchland; Dktn.Pug {Any guesses what DKTN stands for....A Must Try.. (Clue is in the Name)
Sunny Kohly