It was December 2004 when I became associated with Hutch Corporate Connection. I received a sim from their customer care executive. The executive promised that my new sim will be activated within 24hrs and it was(Thankfully); and then trouble began to just pour in.
As soon as I put the new sim in the phone I could not message anybody. I immediately called up the Hutch Care guys. They said they will look into the matter and let me know about the problem soon. One hour passed away still I could not message.
I called them up again and they promised me the same again. When I called them the third time they said that their might be problem with the sim and I have to contact the person who gave me the sim.
Now where do I trace that guy. I asked them how should I proceed about it. They said We dont know, not our fault, its the sim fault. I pondered, not their fault. Oh! its the sims fault. Should I contact Airtel or Spice about it!!! May be they can help me with it. Anyways after sometime it started functioning. May be God had some mercy on me. Well that was December.
January herald its arrival. I request for GPRS on BenQ (my greatest mistake ever). I happened to speak to Mr X(Dont want to reveal the name). He asked me to send a message for activating the connection( For a BenQ cell the GPRS setting are provided and all Hutch has to do is activate it). I immediately send the message. The reply that I got was Invalid Message .
I called up Hutch Care(Remember each time I call the waiting time is around 20min+). This time I speak to someone else and she says that theres no need to send any message and Hutch will activate the GPRS. (Thank You Hutch). I shouldnt have thanked them so early.
Even after an hour the GPRS connection was not activated. I call up again( I am tired and irritated by now). So Mr X is there again to welcome you. He does recognise me(So very sweet of him). I tell him my predicament. He then challenges me saying Who told you that you dont have to send the message for activation. I know it better. I will repay you the money from my pocket. Wow I never knew Hutch Care people challenged their cutomers.
Next I spoke their floor supervisor. She really made my day by being the most rude person ever to confront me and had the courtesy to bang the phone and say Do what ever you can. (Thank you Hutch).
February, my out goings were barred. Reason my bill was high and I have crossed my credit limit. Credit Limit who sets that, I put that question immediately. Hutch Decides , reply comes faster than the gun shot. But then the customer care executive said Rs 3000/-. He is only dealer. he gave you wrong information Oh I never knew this. But then wheres the bill statement. It will reach you Sir within 6 days from the date of generation of bill. I have still not received the Billing statement even though I have paid them the amount.
I dont know whether there exist any forum where I can really go and reach out for help. I know even sending a mail will not be resolve the problem that so many customers are facing. Wish the consumer courts in India were as good as those of the US. But then I think the communication methodologies have improved over the past couple of years and I will be able to send this mail to a large distribution group.
Please help me out friends.