Absolutely Customer Torture Services. Decide yourself. This is the scenario in hyderabad.
No network coverage inside bedroom.
No network coverage after you cross 5th floor
Network always busy.
Silly "recharge your account" voice whenever you dial a number.
Try calling 222 and select option 4(talk to a customer service executive) and you will get "Invalid option" error.
They will hike the tarrif charges without warning. I was being charged 0.49 paise for outgoing and all of a sudden it became 1 Re.
They will charge you Rs. 3 just to get your missed call list while your mobile was switched off. And mind you I never switch off my mobile. Those missed calls are during the time the network is not available.
Spam SMS. I get almost 5 to 6 spam SMS a day and I have to delete real SMS just to accomodate those spam.
Spam calls. "Are you interested in postpaid? Please sir listen to me for one minute." Are they beggers?
They dont care whether you know Telugu or not. All the calls beging in Telugu.
I tried to send a feed back to them on their website. And I got an error message "Please enter valid entries in all fields". All the fields were valid. I have no idea about which field they were talking about.
They are not open for feed back. Please dont buy this product. You will suffer just like me.