Well!!! If anyone wants to change to hutch from any other service provider, dont think twice or thrice because it is not worth even thinking about it.
I have been a customer of hutch for the past 2 years. The last 4 months it has really a nightmare to make and receive calls. Try connecting after 9 in the night, All you can reach is an the answering machine which says ’’SORRY ALL THE LINES ARE BUSY, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER’’ and this continues till 12 in the night. You can be patient for 1 week or 2 but 4 months is a really long time.
The first time I called up customer care they said my sim was at fault. The second time it was a technical problem, and the third time it was blah, blah, blah. I have nearly called them up 50 times in the past 4 months and they keep repeating the same thing like ’’maybe your area has a problem’’ and I say it is happening to every customer I know in hutch. They even started blaming aircell. But I could easily connect through landline.
When I ask the person incharge to speak to me I never get to them becuase all the customer serice lands up in a call center and their job is to take what ever I say.
And they keep repeating that your complaint has been forwarded and the technical department is looking into it. My foot , does it take 4 months for a technical department to solve network congestion. Dont they know that this is the bandwidth out network can handle. Knowing that they introduced the 10 paisa per minute in the night scheme and sold the prepaid to every tom dick and harry. Now all the post paid customers who pay anywhere between 50 paisa and 2 rupees will have to wait until the damn network is free of 10 paisa prepaid customers.
what do they mean by technical upgradation, are they going to place a tower on top of my house, even that should only take about a week.
I receive a lot of complaints from people who are trying to reach my that your phone is not reachable. I tried it out myself, once when I tried from my landline to my mobile which had full signals, it gave me the message that my phone was not reachable, may it is another way of saying the networks are clogged and it is your fate that you will have to wait until we say ok.
i went to hutch shop and complained, the manager there assured me that it will become alright within a week. Well it did not and I went there the subsequent month to pay my bill and asked them to waive it off sincei have missed a lot of calls and I am not able to make a single call after 9 to 12 and that is the time most of my business calls are made. I need to speak when I have to. There was this time when I had to stop my car get down go to the PCO booth and make an emergency call because the hutch network was too busy.
I told the manager there that all I hear is your answering machine saying ’’ ALL LINES ARE BUSY’’ , and even if I get through by HUTCH’s grace it cuts off within 5 minutes. Guess what she told , ’’Sir we are looking into the issue and I am sure it will be sorted within a week’’. Oh boy!!! I had to remind her that I was here last month with the same complaint. I just asked her ’’WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I SAY ’’SORRY ALL MY BANK ACCOUNTS ARE EMPTY’’ PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER’’. Well after the payment deadline is over they promptly cut the line. Well they are so promp in collecting why cant they be prompt in what they are offering. The understanding is mutual.
well who wants all those outlook mails. gprs, ringtones, wall paper downloads. I have my handset to make calls and receive , if the purpose is not solved why do they have to provide all these extra added features. Oh!!! Yes!!! may be we can kill our time listening to horoscpoes by saying 123 when the network gets clogged.
Sometimes SMS take a day to reach. While roaming inside tamilnadu I receive roaming charges because I did not log on to BPL Mobile. Cant their chip automatically choose BPL network. Making and receiveing calls is a rip off while roaming in hutch.Take your hutch from chennai to pondicherry , every other network will work all through the way except HUTCH.
I have lost a lot of important calls and receive a lot of complaints that I cannot be reached , well call up hutch today and tell them you have a network congestion problem and they will start off with my line 1 dialogue becuase the call centers do not know what the heck is going on in technical department.
HUTCH has become a joke and all I can do is crib because I cannot change my number which is establised in my business circle.
If you cannot handle something it is better to sell it of to network providers who are capable of running it like how skycell and RPG did.
THE only suggestion I have is probably they can change the name of their website like https://glitch.co.in