Heres the answer to all HUTCHs HARASSED Customers Bewilderment:
Q: What is the difference between Hutch Legal Head and puppies?
A: Puppies grow up...
Q: Why do Hutch Employees (Esp Legal Head) always talk stupid?
A: Because they are...
Q: What do Hutch Employees ( LEGAL HEAD) have in common with ceramic tiles?
A: Fix HIM properly once and you can walk all over HIM forever.
Q: If you drop a Hutch Employee (LEGAL HEAD)and a brick out of a plane, which one would hit the ground first?
A: Who cares?????.....
Q: What did God say after he created Hutch LEGAL HEAD ?
A: I can do better than this! And then he created !! U & I !!
Q: Whats the difference between an intelligent Hutch LEGAL HEAD & a UFO ?
A: I dont know, Ive never seen either.
Q: What are two reasons why Hutch LEGAL HEAD DOESNT mind HIS own business?
A: i) no mind ii) no business
Q: Why did Moses wander in the desert for 40 years?
A: Because even back then Hutch Legal Head wouldnt ask for directions.
Q: What is the difference between Hutch Legal Head and pigs?
A: Pigs dont turn into HUTCH-LEGAL HEAD when they drink...
Q: What do you do with a Hutch-LEGAL HEAD who thinks hes Gods gift?
A: Exchange him!!!.
Q: Why do Hutch Men like smart women?
A: Opposites attract.
Hutch USERS:...Now You Know Why they Behave SO??
ITS A MANUFACTURING all Verticals; Runs from Top to Bottom, including their Legal HEAD ...
Take a break
I sent you a message on 01-March-2005, without signing my Name at your mobile number.
Hi Mr. HUTCH, How are you doing today...?
PROMPT with the Delivery Report came this Message:
Hi (my Surname) - Im quite well thank you :)
You are amazingly accurate...
Im Stumped...awed by your Awareness...?
Is this a latest Feature with HUTCH, where you get the SMS senders Name on your Mobile? SMD-ID with Automated Name Display...?
I didnt sign my name...??
& IF SO, (Considering your new SMS FEATURE) Why it didnt REFLECT/ REPEAT PERFORMANCE on my Mobile...When you RESPONDED... especially when I am using HUTCH home network only...?
Please ELUCIDATE your claim, for my small brain to fathom, this SHOCK...
It cant afford to bear your over-bearing & Intimidating PROMPT Response...
Still in a State of SHOCK...???