R**emember the time when a crisis meant a pencil left back at home; missing socks; a nasty note from the teacher; bruised knees; loads of homework… a smile, a helping hand, a kind gesture was all it took for the tears to dry up.
So has it been years already? Have you really grown up, then? Or are you still an anxious little child at heart who needs a guardian angel to look after you? Do you actually live in a shady little place where life is simple mathematics of 2+ 2= 4, where the complexities of human nature have not bewildered and confused you, where you are confident that you can count ALL the stars in the sky and ‘impossible’ is a long, complicated word?
If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then you will love the Vodafone ‘Happy to help’ commercial.
What the ad contains
Only two protagonists, a chubby little girl and her pet, a pug. The ad is a series of incidents which depict the girl going about her day-to-day activities like getting ready for school, riding in a school bus, fishing, playing etc. Being alone and naïve, she gets hurt, she loses and forgets things. The basic point is that she needs help. And help is near. In the form of a cute little pug(actually cute is an understatement for that pug) who seems to be totally devoted to her. He senses her troubles beforehand and runs around fixing whatever the problem is. Fetching a missing pair of socks, running after a speeding bus with her forgotten tie in his teeth, fetching a fishing net, or even a first aid box – nothing seems to be impossible for this guardian angel.
Why the ad works
Because the ad depicts only these two – the girl and her pug. No one else. No adult is allowed to be visible. So there is no dilution of the landscape.
Because the little girl looks like someone who you may have seen next door. No make-up, no forced curls, no irritating smiles, no dimples, no ‘I am so pretty that I am gonna make you sick’ vibes coming from her that are so common in the children chosen for ads/movies. She looks lost in her little world, no hint of consciousness. She does not even look aware of the little pug who helps her at every step, though of course, it is obvious that both of them share a deep bond.
Because the pug is the sweetest little doggie I have ever seen. Like all pugs, he wears an emotionless, bland face. But his actions contradict his expressions. In one of the series, he appears on the horizon, little body bouncing as he is running to catch up with the bus, tie in mouth, determined and resolute. In another, he sits ramrod straight, looking stern as ever, as the little girl gives him stamps after stamps to lick, and he does the job, alert and efficient. Yet another one sees him fetching a fishing rod, running in meadows, spring in every step of his.
Because of the background song…… the lyrics are warm and touch the chords of your heart. The music is soft and pleasant, the voice is mellow.
Because of the symbolism… of a mobile phone customer care service as willing and eager to help as the li’l pug.
Because… it touches the heart, because it makes you believe that life is indeed beautiful, because all it takes is a helping hand to transform lives and put smiles on faces.
Here are the lyrics of that song:
Everyday I want to fly, *Stay by my side.
Everyday I want to dream, Stay by my side.
Every morning I wish I could just play,
Wish the mornings would just stay*