Dear All,
I mostly am very choosy of selected writers book which I read...Usually do not go for others often...
This time ..While I was traveling and there was no books for me to read as there was no time to get one or rather buy as I reached the station was wondering wht would I do in this whole journey..then I stumbled upon the bookseller..i was cruising through the books and could not find one of my choice...and then I noticed I did nt have time either...
Seeing my impatience the Bookseller offered me this book told me I would like the past books which I had browsed was more of fiction...
I glanced at the book...Author(wilbur Smith) thought the summary felt a good stinge of excitement..went for it..and now he is one among my list of authors which I prefer.....
Its a colourful tale , full of battels..the very colour of egypt is potrayed in such a splendid storytelling that you would immerse yourself from the time you start reading the has the grip which lets the reader beaddicted to it and does not forgo until it is finished...
Wilbur smith writing is unique compare to other writers ..he goes into the detail of the surrounding with utmost details as if it all happened in front of him
it is an classic adventure story..a story with epic grandeur
Taita the priests character is the most respectful one....
I am not going to reveal the story and make you all let go of the exitement
i would say go for it..its Worth it..
Have already started reading an nother book of the same Author.... Blue Horizon...
Will write review after completing it
Thansk & Regdz,
Muffadal Abbas Rassiwala