Hey friends today Im here with uh an review on whatsapp. So lets get started. As we know that whatsapp is an communication tool, basically used for communication. For useing this application you must have a internet connection in your mobile. This app is been transformed as per the daily needs of the individual. They provides new and very usefull componnents in whatsapp when essentian.
Earlier whatsapp was only haveing messageing facilities but as per the developing era they are trying to introduce the best facilities. Now in wahtsapp we can make call via useing are mobile data , not only voice call we can also make a video call. These days one more option is avail in whatsapp which allow an user to post their daily status.
Whatsapp is an tool which makeing world closer at your figertip. Everyone can easily make contact to their loveing ones .from my personal experience I am useing whatsapp since 5 years and they are provideing the best service and also maintain your privacy.