Wildcraft has became one of the most popular brand since last 4 to 5 years in india due to their extraodinary hellokids, great looks and well finished bags.I buyed this bag @2000₹ from amazon which is quite decent price for this bag.
It is fully waterproof and comes with 2 year warranty which quite awesome.Belive me this bag is very good and it is worth of money you will not fell any regret after buying this.Im using this bag from 1 year.These bags come with great variet of colour and their zip lock is very very good.
From these bag you can remove dirt easily thats why I dont care about dust.Only just I have to wipe it out.
This bag comes with extra rain cover which is again a plus point provided by wild craft.These bags are made only after 100s of tests.this bags has space of 3 full sized laptops and or 6 to 7 big sized books.