Hi friends today m going to review the new latest Operating system thats Microsoft Windows 10 . As we all know Microsoft is leading brand in OS of lappi & computers .
Here I tell you some hidden. Feature of windows 10, In Microsoft Windows 10 it supports fast search bar u can search any thing a file, a movie, MP3 file & any kind of data file, it search in with fraction of second . The user interface of windows 10 is very friendly and easy . In this OS they give a home files on desktop in wihich u can add any tile which help in access to any app of any software of your device .
In Windows 10 there some other feature is also added which is not added in older version like in windows 7, XP, vista & 2000 etc like fast search engine & attractive user interface etc .
The app installation speed of windows 10 is fat as compared to its old version . The service facility of windows 10 is very good . In windows 10 they also give a inbuild antivirus for the protection of data for our device.
So this is the my review on Windows 10 . Please friends like & comment on it .
Thanks 4 reading
Have a nice day
By Vikas