Zero percent customer friendly!
Never in my life i have faced such harsh customer care executives who does not care to listen whats the actual issue instead keep on telling the same reason over and over.
I have ordered totally differently looking cake with message " Happy Birthday Daddy"
Whereas i have been sent a cake which looks like some cheap make and message "DADDY" all over. Where is Happy Birthday wordings??
These customer care executives disconnected my call saying "sorry mam nothing can be done we have delivered the same cake". Is this the way you talk with the customer?? I have ordered something for 850 and got a cake which is lookin lik 250 rupees cake. If you are not delivering whats promised then dont fake customers with fake images.
Dont cheat people and dont act rude the customers who expect quality products instead of some third rated cheap items.
You have ruined our familys best day !
Never ever ever ordering from winni again or suggesting this crap site to someone again!!