I went to the Wockhardt hospitals Neurosurgery dept. Some "Im so smart and succesfull" kin guy called dr dv rajkumar attended to me. I went for a second opinion. But this guy was funny. He was showing attitude to me, a patient. Now instead of telling me things like youll be cured or dont worry, he started telling me tales of how people die if they have certain kinds of brain diseases.
In the next 30 mins I was so terrified that I couldnt control my tears. Never in my life has anybody made me afraid of death so much. But this thing has actually backfired. He was suggesting to me that I better get admitted in his hopital or die. The doctor was according to me very immature and stupid in telling me all the gory stories. He was thinking of making me afraid and convincing me to get admitted but now I dont want to go to Wockhardt ever again.