So, I am curently using this phone. Its good but there is more good model available than this. the disadvantages are : -
1-The camera ring. the ring nearby the camera lens is a bit poped out, so if u are not using any lens protector or back cover then the paint will get off it and the lens ring will start looking half black, half silver.
2-The slippery back. if u dont use a back cover then there are very much chances that it will fall from your hand.
3-The heating up. since its a xiaomi phone its also got the heating problem as the other one. I mean it. it sometime gets too much hot. even if u are talking to someone on a call, playing small games as COC or DUNK HIT or etc for 1 or 2 hours. as well as heavy games.
So I would sugect u to look out the other model redmi got at same price like REDMI Y1 or REDMI A1 something like that.
hope this is helpfull to u.THANKS