Ive compared gladiator (J A type) with glamour S Splendour and Unicorn- bit inter segment comparison, but then now think that I should go for glady, depending upon following requirements
- Refined and reliable engine and transmission- which Bajaj can not provide-atleast now
2. Best ride quality- sometimes issue with HH or may be Unicorn
Good milage may be strong point of HH
5 speed transmission- no justification for this requirement.
Good service quality - this is the reason Im asking the question.
good looks and alloys if possible
on paper with above parameters (except) gladiator seems the obvious choice.
but Im concerned with the no of gladiators actually seen on road are very less compared to other bike, though glady is the best, why this small number, is there any other hidden reason or issue with the bike
please clarify specifically the gladiator owners please........