I came across this product when I saw how white a patients jacket was.
Always striving to get the whitest white that I can. When I saw a patient come in to the clinic with a jacket that was so white, it almost blinded me. Well that is an over kill, but truly it was so white. I had to ask her how in the world she kept her jacket so white.
She informed me that she bought Yellow Out and used it on all of her white clothes. I had to buy it and try it myself. It really is amazing stuff.
You take the powder and add it to your washer. If you have an item that is really bad , you have to soak it first. Otherwise add it to your washing machine powder or soap.
It will clean your whites the very cleanest that you can get them. it restores the whiteness to all of your white socks and mens undies too.
Use caution when you are using this product. You should not breath the fumes or get it into your eyes. It smells really bad. Actually kind of like rotten eggs. If you have never smelled rotten eggs, take my word for it. They stink.