I came across this website- https://yesican.co.in while surfing for free CAT tests. They have free mock CATs, information on current topics, news and even a calendar with music, RC and maths links.
There is even a section called CAT wiki which is user based- where we can contribute our tips and tricks to crack CAT. Even the testimonial section is interactive, where we can send in our feedback.
When I got tired of exams, I read the interesting word stories and tied to solve the puzzle. Hopefully I will get my analysis and perecentile soon for the mock CAT. The website is established by IIM grads. Another bonus is the daily email of a new word to increase vocabulary.
The only problem is that this site is slightly slow to load, but only in the test sections. I thoroughly enjoyed a recap of the grammar theories- the pictures are cute and grammar is fun to learn.