Once I went to my home town. There got a chance to ride my classic uncles classic bike. It does not looks digital like my pulsar in mumbai, it does not look cofertable also. I started the bike after herting my leg and put it in 1st gear and then I felt what a machin is this. Wonderful pickup(0-60 in just 5 seconds) handling was very good, suspension was also very good.
But it lacks a modern engine. Also the engine is a two stroke engine so think it will pollute more. yezdi should change this engine with a four stroke one like Royal Enfield has changed there engine for more econmy and performance.
My driving experience is very good about this bike. If you are buying a bike for speed the forget bullet machismo and pulasr, there is a yezdi monarch for you. It tops arround 130 km/hr with great handling. But poor economy and old styling makes this bike worst.