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Member Since:Apr 28, 2012
0 MS Points
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Holiday trip with dpauls - waste of money
Reviewed D. Paul's Travels - Delhi
I chose dpauls after reading the customer reviews on this website. But travelling with dpalus was a biggest mistake of my life. Those guys are fraud. They wilRead more...
Worse Company and Worst Customer Service!
Reviewed Arrivae
Before you decide to hire Arrivae as your interior designers, please take a moment to read about our experience—it has been nothing short of traumatic, and I Read more...
Commented on shinyahuja's review
Hi Shiny! This is a nice post by you as you are helping people get aware that these review are fake. I support you for this good cause.
Rated on shinyahuja's review
Commented on arun_112's review
Arun, I definately agree with you. Dpauls is a cheater and company like this will not last long. They do not consider improving their services but writing fake reviews.
Rated on arun_112's review
Rated on rishi1995's review
Commented on rishi1995's review
This is a 'PAID'' review by Dpauls itself. Even I have had experienced very poor services from Dpauls and would never recommend this to anyone. Choose makemytrip or something reputed like them.
Rated on JITING's review
Commented on JITING's review
I agree with your comments Arun. Dpauls is a cheater. He has tried modifying the reviews all over this website. All the reviews are writeen by him or his employees.
Rated on mohd_aasim's review
Commented on kmns8687's review
All such bad reviews are down rated by Dpauls themselves. This review is genuine but Manish Gandhi has down rated it.
Rated on kmns8687's review
Rated on svohra's review
Commented on svohra's review
This is again a paid review wriiten by Dpauls themselves. People should not trust when it comes to Dpauls reviews. All the reviews here are self written by them.
Rated on saurabhdas1986's review
Commented on saurabhdas1986's review
The review is not genuine. This is '' paid review ''
Rated on jyotisingh_25's review
Commented on jyotisingh_25's review
Again a fake review to misguide people !! Dpauls is spending money to get these reviews written in their favour.
Commented on taran_ahuja's review
Dpauls themselves have written all the positive reviews on this website to misguide people. I see few more members agree with me on this ! Its such a poor strategic company!!
Rated on taran_ahuja's review
Again a fake review !!
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