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Jammu and Kashmir
Member Since:May 23, 2017
40 MS Points
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Great for businessmen!!!
Reviewed State Bank Of India
Its an impressive bank with good rules and regulations. SBI its one of the most will branched banks across India and has a variety of banking optiRead more...
Better to assemble a computer!
Reviewed Branded Vs. Assembled Computers
People mostly just buy a branded or already made computer but as times passes they have to get a new one! Its better to assemble or make a computer yourRead more...
A disappointment as a movie!!!
Reviewed Deadpool
I was very excited when the Deadpool movie came out but all it did was left me disappointed. Its got no good storyline. It isnt much fun to watch Read more...
An amazing film!!!
Reviewed Logan
Im a fan of the Marvel X-Men series and this is last and the best film starring Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Its got that action feel to it which isRead more...
Be super careful!!!
Reviewed Tips on School Admission
If you are looking for a school then you have to be extra careful if you are looking for a long term admission! Now we know that every school has its own ruleRead more...
Don't just pick and buy!!!
Reviewed Tips on Buying Mobile Phone
When buying mobile phones you have to be careful if you are looking for something long-term. You have to look at the no. of cores and clockspeeds if you are lRead more...
It's so old!
Reviewed BSNL 3G Mobile Operator
Ive had a bsnl sim for a long time but I dont ever use it. They say theyll provide high-speed internet at all network coverages but much of Read more...
Amazing Network!
Reviewed Reliance Jio
We all know that a year ago Jio didnt even exist but now nearly everyone in India knows about it. It has grown drastically in the past couple of months Read more...
A good console!
Reviewed Microsoft Xbox One S
Its a great console out of the box, it has 12 gigs of ram, can play games in 4k which is more than enough for gamers like me, and is a bit smaller than the prRead more...
A trustworthy site!
Reviewed Paytm
Its always good to use Paytm for anything. The app is a bit slow but works just fine. The delivery time is good, products take very less time to reach your doRead more...
Its a Joke!
Reviewed Samsung Z4
The Z4 is a bad choice. Trust me! Ive had a for a week and thats all I could bear with this phone. There are a ton of better and more towards a miRead more...
A Great Choice!
Reviewed LG G6
I have a 2 month old g6. I dont use it much often but I still love it as much as my daily driver. It looks great with those small bezzels. That is what Read more...
A bad investment!
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 125 ST
Ive brought one some years ago. Its a fair bike but Bajaj didnt raise it up to our expectations. The engine can be compared to any 30-40K bike butRead more...
A pretty great PC for pros!
Reviewed Apple MacBook Pro MGXA2HNA
I bought one months ago and have been using it for editing and stuff. Its been running great and smoothly. Its one of the best PCs out there but its wrongly pRead more...
Its not value for money!
Reviewed Apple MacBook Air
I have a 2 year old MacBook air but its not much updated since 2010 so its pretty much the same. Although its a pretty solid laptop with fine specRead more...
An attractive vehicle!
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTSi
I have had a pulsar for a lot of time. I have to say its a great bike with a good rider experience. Its got a moderate engine not too extreme. It has its own Read more...
A nice game!
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
Its a great strategic game that allows you to build a village and challenge friends. Its a good way to pass time if you are not doing anything but if you are Read more...
Waste of time!
Reviewed Snapchat
I used it a while ago but found out thatits a complete waste of time. It basically cant do anything new or productive. It consumes the battery excessively andRead more...
Not worth buying these days!
Reviewed Sony PSP
I bought one two years ago but my user experience with it hasnt been much good. The PSPs were great back in the day but now they are just too old. No onRead more...
One of the worst!
Reviewed AliExpress
This site isnt that statisfying as far as productivity goes. Its slow, mostly full of ads and you have to search for the product for a lot of time to find it.Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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