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Member Since:Aug 31, 2017
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Reviewed Sri Venkatarama Theatre - Erramadu - Tiruvuru
The theatre was excellent it seating the places also so nIce and the screen was so good to see it most of the was come to see in the theatre and maintaince alRead more...
Reviewed Spyder
In this movie show that Mahesh Babu acting skills was excellence and some what rakulpreeth some cute expression but it is not sufficient to based on the storyRead more...
Cleanliness is necessary
Reviewed Mahanubhavudu
In this movie shows that we have know that aware ness of clean but over clean qlso not necessary for the people and hero sharwandh acting was fabulous and he Read more...
Salt and pepper
Reviewed Manasu Mamatha
And the show was like salt and pepper and telecasts on etv and the people are firstly who was regularly watch the show they used to see regularly till now andRead more...
Jai is hero
Reviewed Jai Lava Kusa
Cast: Hero: NTR Heroine: Rashikhana, Nivetha Thomas Music: D.S.P Director: Bobby Cinematography : Chota k . Naidu And story behind is the relation betweeRead more...
Jogendra is king
Reviewed Naan Aanaiyittaal
By this movie we can know that how jogendra loves radha and he can do anything to her by the any reason and any source of it. And he will make rules and radhaRead more...
Reviewed Naa Peru Meenakshi
This show was so interesting and it was anxiety what was going to meenakshi life and all the girls are observing and adopted the character of her to behave liRead more...
Worst and painful
Reviewed Mutyala Muggu
The show firstly was so nice and nice being characters it looks that our neighbours look them it was anxiety to see it . Later it was so noisey and worste lagRead more...
Full comedy and full to bindass
Reviewed Amrutham
In Telugu first show it was full of comedy it was no action and no sentimentation. And the show was ever beaten by it . The characters involve in this show waRead more...
Tragedy and entertainment
Reviewed Lakshmi Kalyanam
By the show firstly it was interesting and nice looking of the show some of the people are eagerly to know about next wt was going on it and the people are atRead more...
One of the best tragedy and funniest show
Reviewed Tom and Jerry
This show gives the more relaxation and interesting next what happens and what is going on. And the highlight was Jerry and its intelligence was owesomeRead more...
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Reviewed Sai Baba - TV Serial Star Plus TV Channel
Hi I used to see this serial to know the Lord sai baba life story and I have known that ancient times how the people live . And I known that how the people reRead more...
Xiaomi Redmi note 4
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Hi am using the note 4 am happy its operating system is so fastly and happy to take photos it gives clear photoagess. And it use to store more apps also . AndRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
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