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Member Since:Jan 25, 2016
20 MS Points
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Not very good movie
Reviewed Dilwale (2015)
I had thinked that this movie of sarukh khan will be awesome because he is one of the fav star in my list but it didnt stand in my expectations in this srk acRead more...
Awesome inspirational movie
Reviewed 3 Idiots
Its awesome it is a very intertaining movie it is based on the life of students what he should do that he should understand things not memorize it and fRead more...
India first porn comedy movie
Reviewed Kya Kool Hai Hum
I think just people are talking that it being india first porn comedy movie will be very good but I just watched it and I dont think that it is on the expectaRead more...
A good effort by India for our citizend
Reviewed Airlift
This picture is based on how a man Ranjit kathyal Saves all the men living in kuvait and take them to india its overall a great acheivement of our air ARead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Everyone should watch.
Yes it is a great m
It' my duty to aware people
Thanks jagatk8.for appreciaton
Commented on Amardeep077's review
Great movie you should watch
Yes you R right awesome ond.
I will also an awesome movie salute to team
Tell bro. What is wrong
Yes bro you are right
Rated on najmulalam349's review
Rated on muhammadmohtisham's review
Rated on RohitBhardwaj's review
Commented on dhananjayphad7's review
Nice phone I also recomded
It's true what you find that is not true
Rated on surasinha10's review
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