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Member Since:Jun 02, 2017
40 MS Points
I am student and love shopping and tries to flow with trends :)
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Maza behisab
Reviewed Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai!
Bhabhi ji ghar par hain is a most loving series now a days on television. This serial is telecast on & tv. And the characters are really awesome. I love anitRead more...
Worst washing powder
Reviewed Patanjali Detergent Powder
Hi! Today I want to share my experience with patanjali detergent powder. For me it is the worst detergent powder. This powder is very hard for clothes and itRead more...
Smells good completely desi :)
Reviewed Gowardhan Ghee
Govardhan ghee talk about 10 years back was only available in the metro cities and only because of their good constant maintained quality initiated and made iRead more...
Jhatpat maggi
Reviewed Maggi Noodles
Maggi is love for me. Maggi is a one best food that I had not dropped after growing up. The childhood love is still on and will go on till the day I will haveRead more...
Air bag with some free chips !!
Reviewed Lays Potato Chips
Lays is the internationally popular brand of chips. In india it takeover the popular original brands from which we were getting uncle chips. Lays is avRead more...
Five problems real solution
Reviewed L'Oreal Total Repair 5
Lo real total repair five is an awesome shampoo. I love it I was suffering from split ends and because of that my hair became dry and dull. After using Read more...
Delicacy with smart personna
Reviewed Titan Raga Watches
Titan is the oldest and prestigious watch brand of TATA. I love this range of titan Titan Raga. These watches includes classy look used as not only an accessoRead more...
Ayurvedic but lacking in after wash quality
Reviewed Himalaya Herbals Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo
Himalaya is the most trusted ayurvedic brand and best product range I use its face wash, soap and toothpaste and they give a best effect but when to talk abouRead more...
Old is gold :)
Reviewed Clinic Plus Shampoo
Most oldest shampoo from the most trusted company P& G. I use this shampoo regularly and my hairs and scalp remain so clean and also smooth hairs. Its fragranRead more...
Smooth glowy facial look :)
Reviewed Dove Beauty Cream
Dove beauty cream I have used it once and wants to share my experience with you. Dove cream is very light and makes my skin soften and brighten. Its fragranceRead more...
Life for my eyes :)
Reviewed Bausch & Lomb Contact Lens
I am 9 year old user of baush & lomb contact lenses and suggested so many people to go for it ! Because it is very comfortable and protects my eyes too : ) I Read more...
50 -50 but for being made in india 100% sure :)
Reviewed Patanjali Ayurved
Pantanjali range of products I havent tried all but some of them like beauty soaps, detergents, aleo vera gel, shampoo, wheat flour, dalia etc I like most of Read more...
Trendy colors :) available in affordable price :)
Reviewed Elle 18 Nail Makeup
I am an old user of elle 18 nail paints. Elle 18 trendy brand have a great quality of nail paints and other products. Nailpaints have beautiful original colorRead more...
Awesome color with awesome feel
Reviewed Maybelline Baby Lips
I love the mayvelline baby lips balm because I love the all the vibrant colors with a matte finish secondly I love the texture on my lips makes me feel smoothRead more...
Good fragrance but doesn't last long.
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
I will not say it is bad because it smells really good but my problem is it dont last for a long. Its good for one reason it has no gas. Bottle is sleek and sRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Ok next tym I vil keep it in my mind : )
Thank you for appreciation I need your advise : )
Followed Adroitfahim , DEEP9457
I appreciate and respect ur words amityajayk : ) thanks for ur opinion but I dont want to promote other brands on this note which last long ( ofcourse thr fragrance ) :)
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Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anand Patil (@RichlivetradeMouthShut Verified Member)
Ekta Vaswani (@evaswaniMouthShut Verified Member)
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Princewill Umoh (@princewillumoh25MouthShut Verified Member)