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Member Since:Oct 07, 2009
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Excellent product , bad service/spares shortage.
Reviewed Panasonic NA F70B1
I have a Panasonic  F70B1 bought two and a half years back. The controller board(PCB) conked off. Logged a service call with Panasonic support. Sevice engineeRead more...
Keep Calm During the Meeting. Confirm the venue.
Reviewed City Limouzines
Lets not loose all hopes. We have to utilise this one opportunity to makesure the decision is in the favour of we investors. Points to be taken care to make Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
As a followup, I wrote an email to all the possible emails ID's I could find on their website asking for help. I had sent the email on Sunday. Monday morning I recieved a call from one Mr. Munnuswamy. He said a senior level official from Panasonic Mumbai had called him and was asked to ensure my mac Read More...
Commented on ssen777's review
Dear friends, Should we not blame ourselves for the greed. Everyone of us knows 48% secured returns are not possible in any business. The highest interest chared on Credit cards is 40%. But out of greed we all gambled with our money. Why should we curse Masood, He has not run away, Dont you se Read More...
Commented on Optimist1's review
Dear all; We dont stand a chance if we create chaos during the meeting. Some people with vested intererest will try to stop the meeting from coming to a conclusion. They will try to create a rukus & stop the proceedings of the meet. Please understand the company is not organising the meeting in the Read More...
Commented on bindasstinu's review
Rated on bindasstinu's review
My CA who had earlier adviced me aginst investing in these schemes has studied the sequesnce of events. He says the problem is not as big as anticipated. He believes the cases against Masood & company are not complicated & should not hold water. If the inverstors stay calm & give him time to comeout Read More...
Rated on Optimist1's review
I agree with Faishaad09 provided there is some visibility & transparency. Surety of non erosion of capital is important in the days to come. If Mr. Masood is in a position to build that confidence. I would not mind reinvesting the recovered dues in the company for a longer term.
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